The Improvement Scheme is more or less completed.
In the summer of 2019 the scheme to double the size of the car park was approved, which was needed in order to ease the congestion caused by people having to park in the narrow road. Fundraising started but unfortunately was slowed considerably with the coming of the Covid pandemic. However, the major work was done in the summer of 2020 and the new larger car park came into use.
We do still need to spend about £1,500 on surface topping and would be grateful for any donations towards this. Obviously like any space utilised by our visitors and members, there will always be funds needed towards the upkeep of the car park so any specific funds donated will go towards this.
Where we have got to so far
Now, at the beginning of 2023, we are delighted that the car park extension and improvements are just about completed. We have beautiful new gates with the Keston Marke logo to match those at the entrance to the church, a pedestrian walkway with handrail and solar lighting. The last step will be to have some more car park surface topping laid.
What a blessing, especially for popular services such as major church services, classes and meetings that take place in the hall as well as weddings, baptisms and funerals. A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed both financially and those who organised the project.
If you would like to help complete this project by donating, please
Use the button below with your credit card details, or
BACS your donation to Keston Parochial Church Council Sort Code: 20-05-57 Account No: 30543683 referencing ‘Carpark Fund’, or
Send cheques made payable to: Keston Parochial Church Council, together with a covering note to The Treasurer, Keston Parish Church, Church Road, Keston BR2 6HT.
In addition, for us to claim an extra 25% from gift aid, please send an email to with your house number, postcode and full name.